Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15, 2009

I heard something on the radio today that really "hit's the nail on the head" about how I feel about the Health Care. The guy said: "You know, it's not about the health plan. . . If it was, the devil would be in the details!" What he means is that the government doesn't care what health plan passes. . as long as one passes! They will alter costs and change benefits 100 times anyway, but once it passes, there is NO GOING BACK, It will never be repealed; that's not the way the government operates and guess what? We are then socialists. I know my democratic friends are going to say: "Tom what about the 46 million people that don't have insurance? Is that a reason to put the care of our life and souls in the hands of people that can't even keep the Postal Service out of the red? Besides, it has been proven that the 46 million includes illegal aliens and people on medicare. That drops the figure about 20 mill. I don't mind a program based around "walk in" charity care, but I am not going to ever let it be said by my grand babies, that I sold them out!
And that's the name of that tune!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! I don't mind a program based around "walk in" charity care, but I don't want the government getting involved in something they can't manage any better than a lot of the other programs they are messing up.
