Between paying bills and answering the door for UPS and Fedex delivering audio equipment for J. C. Davis Auditorium, I managed to come up with a list of talking points for our Communications and Marketing Committee meeting tonight at City Hall. We detailed all the lines of communication our city can use to reveal plans to our citizens as well as to the media. It is not only important for that vital link to the community, but to also reach the surrounding towns with our goals and accomplishments. Chickasaw is becoming a city of forward moving people looking for new spirit in all we hope to achieve and the proof of that will be seen next Tuesday evening at the Commercial Board's summation of Phase I, looking for that
start-up of Phase II. Ephraim Stockdale will be there to tell us what we may expect and prepare us for the upcoming Auburn Urban Planning Team. Please mark your calendar for Aug 4th 7:00 PM.
start-up of Phase II. Ephraim Stockdale will be there to tell us what we may expect and prepare us for the upcoming Auburn Urban Planning Team. Please mark your calendar for Aug 4th 7:00 PM.